Monday, March 24, 2008

Sri Aurobindo on The Age of Aquarius

Updating Ancient Wisdom Teachings
"Age of Aquarius"

We are very fortunate to be living in a time called the "Age of Aquarius." We have been given a set of Laws, "The Laws of Quantum Physics," that allow us to understand and explain how the Universe as well as the Mind of God works.

The great teachers, philosophers, and Gurus of the past lived under two great difficulties. First, the wisdom they had to share with humanity was frowned upon by the Religious, Political and Governing bodies of their countries.

Pioneers who bring light are always in danger from the "authorities" who want to keep things status quo, as well as keep them under "control."

Unfortunately for them, the only constant in the Universe is CHANGE. And although they may retard and even punish light bearers, their reign of "controlled terror" will come to an end of it's cycle.

The second problem Sri Aurobindo faced was the language. He did not have the beautiful, easily understood scientific language of Quantum Physics. He had to use metaphors, parables, and flowery language to get people's attention as well as to ward off the authorities.

When we read his writings we can see the Laws of Quantum Physics hidden in his words. I will put "his" words in quotes.

"A new world is being born. At present we are right in the midst of a transitional period in which the two are mingled. The old world persists. It is all powerful, continuing to dominate the ordinary consciousness. The new one slips in quietly, very shyly, unobserved to the extent that exteriorly it changes little for the moment. And yet it works, it grows, till one day it will be sufficiently strong to impose itself visibly."

Sri Aurobindo (1872 - 1950) knew about the changing of the Ages. From the Age of Pisces (the last 2000 years) to the Age of Aquarius (the next 2000 years).

He also knew that all of the structures of the Piscean Age, Religion, Military, large corporations controlling by fear was still powerful enough to keep charging ahead; even though it is dying. It's momentum will do this. If you shoot a dangerous, charging buffalo, and kill it with one shot, his momentum will keep him charging another 100 feet or so. Dying but still dangerous, is the Age of Pisces.

On the other hand, the Divine Blueprints for the new structures to be used for the Age of Aquarius are contained within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. When they receive enough attention, they will reach critical mass and "blink out" of the Quantum Ocean into physical reality.

"The enormous spiritual carapace under which we have entombed the spirit is our biggest problem"

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God has a divine time table that no physical power can stop or alter. The Universe "blinked out" of the Quantum Ocean with it's Galaxies, Solar systems and Planets, amd will bkink in again.

Our Solar System has it's own destiny and purpose and it spirals around our Galactic Sun in time to a Cosmic Clock. We just left the Age of Pisces and now we are going into the Age of Aquarius.

All the energy and structures and forces and forms that man needs to help him with his evolutionary journey are in the Quantum Ocean. They are the Divine Blueprints that we are to use for guidance. Unfortunately, for the past 2000 years, man has built an energy infrastructure between the Divine Blueprints and the Reality of our physical Universe.

They will distort the energies of the Age of Aquarius as well as fill the minds of men with continuous mis-information as to the spiritual Reality of the Universe.

"The way back is a spiral. A new curve to be taken in the Eternal Becoming."

No matter what we do or don't do, our Solar System will continue on it spiraling journey around the Galaxy. Our Solar System will fulfill it's destiny, with or without that film of organic life on the Planet Earth called "man."

It is up to us to find our way back.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Quantum Physics and TAO Updated Ancient Wisdom

The Tao

The only constant in the whole Universe is 'change.' We as a Solar System, have rotated through the Milky Way Galaxy to a new place in space.

Our Solar System rotates around our Galactic Sun, the same way as our Earth rotates around our Sun. We have called this new place in Space around our Glalactic Sun "The Age of Aquarius." We will be moving through this space for 2000 years.

There will be many changes. For the past 2000 years formal religions were to the front and Science took a back seat. The people will still have a strong need for religion, but it will be more individualized. The huge formal religions, in the next 100-200 years will disappear.

Each man and woman on the planet will be given the chance to discover God in their own way. They will not have to BELIEVE any one any more. They will 'KNOW' who and what God is.

The masters who have gone before, understood a great deal more about the workings of God and each of them abstracted out of the 'ALL' the best way to teach their followers.

The Age of Aquarius has revealed to us the gift of the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there is an infinite Ocean of intelligent, thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. This Quantum Ocean is the Mind of God made manifest. There is no past, present, nor future in the Quantum Ocean, only the NOW. There is no space in the Quantum Ocean, only the HERE.

So in reality there is only the HERE-NOW.

The Quantum Ocean responds to man's thoughts and emotions. The great thinkers and mystics of the past used the power of their minds and emotions to penetrate deeper into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, than the average man was able to do.

Higher levels of consciousness are synonymous with this deeper and more powerful thought. These higher Consciousness thinkers created our religions. And this was good for the 'Age of Pisces.' At this time man was not sufficiently advanced in consciousness to understand the workings of the 'Mind of God.' He needed someone who could somewhat penetrate the Mind of God, and bring forth a teaching. The average man needed something and someone to "BELIEVE IN.'

Not any more. As we spin through the section in space called ' The Age of Aquarius' each of us will be given the tools to penetrate the Mind of God and create our own individualized religion.

The Great ones, Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, Odin, Confuscious, and Lao Tze will still be remembered and thought of, but as pioneers not Gods.

The Laws of Quantum Physics will show us that they understood these laws, but expressed them differently to the different races of people in their environment.

Let us look at the words of Lao Tsze. He was born in the year 604 B.C. in China. He was called 'The Old Philosopher.'

The teachings of Lao Tze, though ancient, are still quite new and modern. In that they are still just as true today as they were then.

His complete work 'Tao - Teh Kng' consists of only 5,000 Chinese characters.

"Tao" is the absolute, the unmanifested one (Mind of God).

"Teh" is the manifestation of Tao in the objective world (Quantum Ocean.)

Fundamentally, there are four distinct senses in which it can be understood. We can relate these to the modern day Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

1. Tao is the Supreme God, the Absolute and Unmanifested One. (Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.)

2. Tao is the All - Creative Logos, The Name, The Word, The Father-Mother.
(Quantum Ocean is an infinite Ocean of thinking energy that creates all.)

3. Tao is the Way of Heaven, The Law, The Dharma, The Divine Providence, The Inexhaustible Store. (Quantum Ocean, Mind of God is infinite and shows the way back to God.)

4. Tao is the Root and Final Possession, The Ultimate Goal of All, The Abode of Peace and Security, The End and Home of all Beings.

We 'Blink in' and 'Blink out' of the physical plane with each new incarnation. With each new incarnation we are to raise our level of consciousness and become more God-like.

When we reach this stage in our development there will be no more need to 'Blink out.'

We will be home to stay in the Mind of God, The Quantum Ocean. Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom I.F. Speaks on Basic Spiritual Facts

I.F. Speaks
Basic Spiritual Facts

My spiritual teacher I.F. of 17 years, had a very unique way of sharing his wisdom with me.

His teachings were mainly oral. We would sit facing each other early in the morning at a small card table, munching on bagels and cheese. We would sip coffee and he would talk. I would listen and take notes.

This was nothing like the Chelas sitting cross legged around a Guru, as they do in the East.

This was a Western master teaching a western student. His patience with me and the world in general was infinite.

He told me that many of the things he spoke about, he didn't expect me to immediately understand. They were 'Seed Thoughts' as he called them, that would go into my subconscious and bear fruit for later in life.

It is now over 30 years and as I look back, I smile. Yes, many of the 'Seed Thoughts' have born fruit and changed my life and my consciousness.

I will share some of them with you now. Allow them to grow and bear fruit for you. I will put his exact words in quotes followed by my commentaries.

"We are not properly conscious nor are other people properly conscious."

We all spend too much time in our past, thinking and re-thinking events, both good and bad. This is not being conscious, this belongs to the realm of sub-consciousness, memorie.

To be conscious, we need to be in the HERE-NOW of the moment, not in the past nor the future.

"Increase of consciousness of oneself, leads to more room for yourself in the inner world."

There are many levels of consciousnes and many worlds to be explored in the 'inner worlds'. By becoming more conscious you open these worlds for yourself.

"Be careful, as you build the structures for your inner rooms; someone will be trying to pull the ladder out from under you. That someone is your personality."

Most of the allegories about the fight between light and darkness takes on many forms. Within the individual the fight is between one's higher self and one's personality.

Our personality is where all the (lies and falsehoods we have picked up on our trip lie.) They want dominion over our life and do not want you to become more conscious. Because they know consciouness is their death knoll.

The fight is WITHIN us not WITHOUT.

"The slow difficult steps to consciousness leads to freedom."

He used to say " Yard by yard, lifes's too hard, inch by inch life's a cinch."

"Understand, that one of the biggest problems we face is when we project our inner negative attitiudes on others and blame them."

We cannot accuse another of bad temper, meaness, hate, suspicion, unjustness, anger, or bitterness. We feel and sense these negative attitudes in others because they also live inside us.

"Stop looking for the splinter in your brother's eyes when you have a log in yours!"

"The uproar of your daily life will drown out your spiritual life."

You must find a way to set some time appart for your spiritual studies. Every day life comes rushing in, in a million differnent directions and steals your time and energy.

"Your inner man/woman must be renewed and fed day by day or it will be drowned by the uproar of life."

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Vitvan Our Colloidal System and Our Health

Vitvan Our Colloidal System

To help heal ourselves we must remain conscious of all energy - waves and frequencies which enter our energy configuration.

Especially other individuals, crowds, places and events. They can easily affect us in a negative way.

A lot of blockages are cleared up when we think of the Dynamic Structure of the world and of ourselves as conscious individualized energy - systems within this structure.

What we used to call 'things', 'objects', 'persons', etc. are now understood to be dynamic events in the world structure. By understandin this we can now start to protect ourselves from malevolent and destructive energy fields.

Only energy can affect energy; only force can affect force; a given energy system can only be affected by energy frequencies.

Our body, our 'Physiological Organism' , is not only a state of Consciousness, but also a configuration of units of energy, within an electro-magnetic field. Within any energy system or electro-magnetic field, it's functions, activities, behavior, etc. involves an interplay between positive and negative aspects. These affect our colloidal system. which exists in the world of smallness, the Twilight Zone of matter; the world of neglected dimensions; spaces between atoms that we call life. They are minute energy systems. These collodial structures are dynamic, electrical, energy -configurations..

The total area of colloidal surfaces in an average man-size physiological organism, is astronomical. The surface area of this colloidal structure becomes an important factor in diagnosis and treatment.

Thinking and emotions generate electrical force. Thoughts and feelings are dynamic electrical energies which affect the health and well being of the organism as a whole.

There is in reality no physical nor meta-physical worlds. These are only abstractions. We must realize that there is only a free and unrestricted ONENESS or WHOLENESS.

Electrical currents generated by feeling-thinking play over the colloidal structure of a physiological organism, altering and changing the positive-negative balance.

Psychological semantic reactions that we label Love, Courage, Fortitude, etc. (Positive), Fear, Worry, Hate, Jealousy, Envy etc. (Negative); affect our colloidal structures, the mini-world within us. We need colloidal equilibrium within us to maintain health.

There are four main factors which disturb our Colloidal Equilibrium (our inner inner world).

Physical - X-Rays, Radium, Cathode Rays.

Mechanical - friction, punctures
Chemical - tar, paraffin, arsenic
Biological - microbes, parasites

In man there is a fifth factor, semantic reactions; reactions to thoughts, words, and feelings.

We are starting to understand more and more the energy - forces within our individualized energy structures must be considered in all new healing techniques. Any organism maladjustment becomes labeled : heart trouble, arthritis. etc. by the doctors. Once we label our inner colloidal imbalances we give them life and power over us. We OWN them.

Once you learn to protect yourself by fully understanding what you are (an individualized energy system) and where you are (in a dynamic energy system world) even destructive forces cannot harm you.

For more information about Vitvan and his writings you can contact the School of the Natural Order Society.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at: