Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conversations With I.F. "Quantum Physics"


For 30 years I studied with my spiritual master, I.F. Now that I look back I can see that he understood the Laws of Quantum Physics and he taught it to me in all the occult and mystical examples and sciences he used. Only he used the language of the discipline he was teaching. Runes, Tarot, Astrology, Hermetics, Numerology and Egyptology.

It is only now when I look back in retrospect that I see the seeds of the Laws of Quantum Physics in his words and writings. Years before Quantum Physics became in known to the masses.

Now, part of my dharma is to not only carry on I.F.'s work, but to also, to the best of my ability, show the golden thread of the Laws of Quantum Physics that ran through all of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings.

Here is a very basic description of the Laws of Quantum Physics that I use as my measuring stick.

"There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be is contained in the quantum ocean. There is no time there, No past, present nor future. Only the Now! There is no space there, only the HERE!. Therefore the Mind of God or the Quantum Ocean is an infinite point in the HERE-NOW!. We all live in two realities. Our physical one and our quantum ocean one.

Inside the quantum ocean are divine blueprints, or energy patterns or energy matrices that when projected onto the physical plane become part of our reality.

Thoughts are things and what we think we attract out of the quantum ocean and into our aura. Our aura is the energy filed that connects us to both our physical reality and our blueprint in the quantum ocean. We become what we think.

Here are some of the ideas presented to me over 30 years ago in the form of Study Letters by I.F. You judge the similarity to the Laws of Quantum Physics.

I.F. said that there is a blueprint for each person's life, but within that blueprint there are many possible variations and fluctuations,ramifications and many areas in which to operate

Every one's blueprint for life is to expand consciousness. To grow and become more aware of who and what we really are and to live in accordance with our blueprint. But the way we grow is up to the individual.

Life is a constant stream of choices. it is a choice from the very beginning.

As you expand your consciousness you make better choices. it is all a mathematical process. Use discrimination, wisdom and selectivity combined with balanced living to structure a whole (HOLY) life.

It fits so well with the ideas that thoughts are things and that we create our lives by what we think. We think thoughts or health, wealth and happiness along with the desire to be more conscious then we live a full productive life. The more conscious or god-like we become the better choices we make. The better choices we make the more conscious we become,

It works in the other direction also. The worse choices we make the more bestial we become and the lower our consciousness becomes. The lower our consciousness the more bestial. It brings up a very interesting occult question as far as reincarnation goes. According to some of the Eastern Religions you can be reborn as an animal. Something to think about?

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Quantum Physics


Self Mastery

I.F., my spiritual teacher for 17 years, stressed that the whole purpose of life on this planet is SELF-MASTERY. That is mastery of the smaller self to allow the higher self to run one's life.

That is why we are here on this School House Planet. To learn the real art of Spiritual Alchemy. This is the transforming of our Lower Selves into our Higher Self. It's called Evolution.

All the great teachers and religions say the the same thing in their own words. While we are here learning, we have a choice. We can evolve, with little pain, by making conscious choice or we can be pulled along painfully by continuously making wrong unconscious choices. That's the extent of our free will.

Our lower selves are the culmination of all our habits, actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions that we have acquired through all of our lives.

It is the Dross we have collected by our continuous 'blinking in' and 'blinking out' of the Quantum Ocean.

Our Lower Self is not all bad. It is very useful to us while we exist on this physical plane. It has all of the tools we need to survive in Physical Reality.

But why then, you may ask yourself, do we need to do our, "Great Work!", Our 'Spiritual Alchemy', or our Transformation of our Lower Self into our Higher Self? Because that is the true final destiny of each one of us. To Evolve, to become more conscious, to become more God-like. This is where we get to a point where we finally raise our level of consciousness to the point where we do not need the lessons taught on the physical plane anymore.

Where we go after the the planet Earth to learn more will be discussed in future papers.

How does the knowledge of the Laws of Quantum Physics help us to attain Self-Mastery? What do the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us? There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent, living energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is contained in the mind of the Creator God. For all intents and purposes, at our level of consciousness, we can call it "The Mind of God."

Within the Quantum Ocean there is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the Now. There is so space, height, width or depth. There is only the Here. For us there is only the "Here-Now."

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. Everything in our physical Universe 'Existed' first in the "Mind of God." You and I had our beginnings in the Quantum Ocean as individual Souls. There is where we return at death and 'blink out' at rebirth.

All the habits, traits, personalities, emotions, good and bad, that we have built into our lower selves also exist in the Quantum Ocean.

The relationship between us and the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, is our Minds. Our thoughts attract out of the Quantum Ocean what we think about.

Therefore our physical reality today is the sum total of all our past thoughts. But the interesting thing is that many of the thoughts that we have accepted as our own did not originate with us.

Many of them are the thoughts of our parents, our teachers, our religious leaders, our ancestors, and our family that we have 'tuned into' and accepted as our own. As soon as we have accepted them, and we did so very often as children, they become part of our reality.

"The sins of the Fathers and the Mothers are passed on to the children."

This being the case, we can see how much excess baggage each individual soul is carrying around that really does not belong to their individual self.

I.F. said that every time you allow yourself to become angry, you automatically tune into the angry vibrations in the Quantum Ocean, which sends more anger your way. You also tune into millions of other unconscious angry souls on the planet. And finally you send this anger to all your loved ones and family. I am sure you would agree that this is NOT a good thing.

It is a very powerful process of Resonant Frequencies that is very difficult to break.

The "Turn the other cheek ....." is not a meek, defeatist attitude. It is a a warning to try and stop the "Anger" process from getting up a head of steam.

I.F. said that during each new incarnation there are several 'things' that you need to work out and correct. Life will present these 'things' to you on a daily basis, you need not go look for them.

When you correct these several more will present themselves. If you stay conscious and work hard, you can live 100 lifetimes (do the the work of 100 incarnations) in one life time.

So, I.F. prepared me for a methodology for self-mastery. It is very difficult and may still take many lifetimes, but at least I have a road map.

He was a Master of the True Word Seed Thoughts. He would drop them in my mind and like a good farmer, step back and watch them grow.

The Quantum Ocean will continuously allow a flow of energy to every thought you have. You have to learn to turn off the spigots of what you don't want in your life and turn on the spigots of what you do want.

"Unless ye become like little Children."

You have to clear your mind of all unwanted things. I.F. said to start the final ascent to Self-Mastery (and each of us will know in which lifetime to do this) you must start with a clear playing field.

He had five exercises that you must work on daily: Self Control, Self Knowledge, Self Direction, Self Consciousness and Self Regulate.

He had eleven that you must avoid like the plague, because thinking or dwelling upon them opens the spigots to the Quantum Ocean of negativity.

The 11 are, on a daily basis have:

No Concepts, No Theories, No Opinions, No Comments, No Images, No Reactions, No Remorse, No Resentments, No Irritations, and No Expectations.

And above all to attain Self-Mastery, keep your big mouth shut, Mind your own business and come ye out from amongst them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Conversations Wiht I.F. "The Aura"

The Aura

I.F. did not like to be thought of as a master but as an elder brother of the Race. He did not flit around to malls, movies, parties, ball games etc. He lived quietly by the Atlantic Ocean. When he sat on his porch he had all the natural elements Air, Water, Fire and Earth at his disposal to use with his meditations and magic.

Except when I took him out for breakfast at his favorite Greek Diner, he spent all his time studying by himself.

When he wasn't at his small card table writing, he was sitting in his recliner, with it's duct taped arms. He spent a great deal of time out of his body visiting higher realms of existence where his teachers lived.

There were always at least two I. F. 's when I showed up for my lessons. There was the little Yoda like I.F. who scurried around making the coffee and setting out the plates for bagels and cheese, which I always brought with me. The first half an hour or so of every lesson was passed in polite chit chat. Well almost. He had a habit of squinting his eys several times while looking at me during our chit chats. It was not until several years into my studies that I found out that he was checking my Aura. He could tell what thoughts, feelings and questions I was carrying around with me just by checking my Aura. He would then prepare his lesson, for me in his mind. His lessons were 75% oral. The other 25% were used to copy notes from his rare collection of hand written occult books.

He was a master at reading Auras. While eating breakfast in a restaurant, he would point to an older person and ask me what I could see in their Aura. He was training me to see what he saw. He could detect diseases and illness in the Auras of others and he knew the causes as well.

Wouldn't it be nice if the A.M.A. would teach it's doctors to do this instead of depending on Frankenstein machines to make a diagnosis?

I always carried a notebook with me and copied down what he called his "Seed Thoughts." These were bits of occult wisdom that would work on cleansing my psyche of false ideas, while at the same time raising my level of consciousness. They may seem over simplistic, but they have power in them. Here are a few.

"Live Scientifically, Life is an art And Science. “ It should not be lived willy-nilly with no idea of the consequences or effects of our individual actions, be they so small.

"Clairvoyance is a mental process. Psychism is an emotional process." Clairvoyants are a lot safer and accurate because they operate on the mental plane. Psychics on the other hand are more dangerous and inaccurate because they operate on the emotional Astral plane, where a lot of harmful entities live. Both realms exist in the Quantum Ocean.

"Keep calm in bare attention. Give everything your unemotional attention. Wait patiently. Don't be in a hurry to do." When you are thinking about doing something, remain calm, unemotional and patient. This is the correct way to send thoughts into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, so that the result will not be distorted.

"Beware of the Aces of Troubles: Anxiety, Curiosity, and Excitement!" By fully understanding how the Universal Laws and the Laws of Quantum Physics work, there is no need for these Aces of Trouble. By living Scientifically, you will know your end results.

Life is under law. Learn the laws and live safely. Your aura tells all to those who have eyes to see.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Conversations With I.F. "The X"

"The X"

I write many articles on Runes, Astrology, Radionics, Success etc.; but when I sit alone at my desk in the evening, just before bed, I am hounded with the thought: "What can I write that will have some spiritual meaning that transcends the mundane affairs of everyday life."

What can I say that will have value for those who read it. Not another article on how to use the Runes, nor Astrological aspects; nor uses of Radionics devices.

Something that has power. Power to convey a message that will help a seeker on the spiritual path.

I sit here with pen in hand waiting. Then I re-read for the hundredth time some of the seed thoughts of my teacher, I.F., who I studied with for 17 year, 30 years ago.

I see something that strikes a chord in me. This is important, I think. This will help a seeker on the path. But do I have the ability to put into words what I feel or what I.F. "meant" when he spoke them?

In 1984, he took a piece of white paper and drew a large "X" in the middle of it. An "X" is like two "V's". One facing up and one facing down. In the V facing up, he wrote "God, Superconscious." in the V facing down he wrote "Nature Subconscious." In the middle where the X crosses, he wrote "Man, Self-Conscious."

It is all there in that large "X."

Basically, man is a connecting link between the above and the below, so often mentioned in the Hermetic Philosophy. Man is God in a Form-of-Flesh.

The 21st Century Laws of Quantum Physics have given us a language we can use to better understand the "Big X." It states that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy which we call the Quantum Ocean. What it really is, is the Mind of God. There is no time there, nor past, present, nor future. There is only the NOW. There is no space there, no here, there nor any where, there is only the HERE. There is only the "Here-Now!" It responds to our thoughts.

How does knowing this help me sitting here? How does it help you reading it there?

Besides earning a living and raising a family and building a life, there are deep burning questions within the mind and heart of every seeker. Once the mundane affairs of man are working smoothly, the questions of "Who am I?", "Where am I going?", hound us.

The "Big X" and the Laws of Quantum Physics start to shed some light on these questions.

The Mind of God is the "All in All!" It contains the infinite Quantum Ocean within, while being the Quantum Ocean at the same time. The Quantum Ocean contains an infinite supply of un-manifested energies. Nature or the Physical Reality of the Universe exists both outside the Quantum Ocean and "within" the Quantum Ocean at the same time.

Man exists on the "Big X" which is the surface which connects the un-manifested energies of the Quantum Ocean whith the un-manifested energies of Nature.

We "blink in" and "blink out" of the Quantum Ocean and into Nature or Physical reality. Each "blink out" is a new incarnation. Each "blink in" is a death. Planets, Sun, Galaxies, Universes "blink in" and "blink out". They are born and then they die.

But what are we? We are individual souls, individual units of un-manifested energy in the Mind of God. We are but one cell in the ALL. We "blink in" and "out". Why? So God can know himself through the infinite number of souls, "blinking in" and "blinking out."

What is it that is expected of us? We are to grow in consciousness, to gain wisdom through experience, to become more God-like, until one day we go "back" to and reconnect with the God-force, the ALL. We never again have to go back to the trials and tribulations of "Physical Being."

How does this writing this or you reading this help us? We become what we "eat." We "eat" higher and wider thoughts like this and we will eventually grow into our thoughts.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Conversations With I.F. "Metaphysics"


I.F. was not very happy with the expansion of metaphysical and occult book shops that sprung up in the Cities. He believed that the Esoteric Ancient Wisdom teachings were meant for only about 5% of the population at any one time.

Einstein gave us his theories and man used them to create Atomic warheads. I.F. felt that the race psyche, massive unconscious humanity would use this Sacred Hidden Knowledge to destroy and harm also.

He told me that there was a continuous evolution of man upon the planet. But it took two streams to accomplish it. The 5% of humanity, the pioneers, the seed group consciously sought out the Laws and Cosmic principles behind man's purpose on Earth. They attracted the teachers, both carnate and incarnate, who taught them. This 5% seed group were like the yeast in a loaf of bread. They made the bread, massive humanity, rise in terms of their level of consciousness. The primary purpose of man's existence in this school, called the Planet Earth, is to raise their level of consciousness. Without the leavening power of the 5% seed group, this cycle of life would fail.

The 95% will evolve also, but unless they consciously choose to become part of the 5%, the powers of evolution will drag them along by their hair screaming and gnashing their teeth.

The choice is always theirs. But the path to the 5% of conscious humanity is long and difficult and many will not choose it.

I.F. felt that each one of the Sacred Sciences of the the Ancient Wisdom teachings could be compared to a 55 gallon drum of clear, pristine water. It was meant for the Great Teachers, philosophers and Wise men to go to this 55 gallon drum of 'Truth', take a dipper full ou and pass it on to other people. Their hands, minds and emotions were clean and pure, therefore they did not pollute the water.

Now, with the thousands of books written about the secrets of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings, millions of people are dipping their hands into the Sacred Barrels. Are their thoughts, feelings and hands clean? Are their motives pure? Do they want to share?

Just look at the emotional, mental and physical state of the world today, and answer these questions your self.

I.F. insisted that I "Become an Oasis of Sanity in this crazy hodgepodge of Metaphysics all around me."

Now we have entered the Age of Aquarius and the Laws of Quantum Physics have given us many new things.

I see now that my Dharma and my purpose is to update some of the Ancient Wisdom teachings using the language of Quantum Physics.

Let those who have eyes see and those who have ears hear.

Like I.F. always said, "We all need more patience, peace, poise and persistence." What's our rush? He knew about the the working Laws of Quantum Physics even though he didn't use the language.

"Fixed attention starts molecular structure into motion," he said. This is exactly what the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us. Where you place your attention is what you attract from the infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.



Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom Gurdjieff on "The Work"


On “The Work”

Now that we have entered the Age of Aquarius, we have been given new tools to work with. "To work towards what?" you ask. To work towards our primary directive for mankind in this School House called the Planet Earth. A School House situated very low on the scale of creation, the Ray of Creation.

That primary directive is "Man Know Thyself" and "Evolve Consciously."

Gurdjieff was just one of the many great teachers who taught a methodology of how to evolve consciously. He called his methodology "The Work."

There were many other great teachers who taught at this time and left us a methodology. Ouspensky, Steiner, Vitvan, I.F., Sri Aurbindo, Madame Blavatsky, William Q. Judge, and Annie Bessant just to name a few.

For the wave of new souls that are incarnating onto the planet now, at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, a new language is needed to update their teachings.

There will be no more flowery phrases, metaphors, hidden messages, allegories and dogmatic do's and dont's. Now a good clear, easy to understand, scientific language is needed to guide humanity. The Language of the Laws of Quantum Physics is just such a language.

The Age of Aquarius will be an Age of Science. The new children will come to Earth with the inner faculties prepared to accept the Language of Science.

But it will not be the Science of the materialistic, Godless Scientists, the Big Bang Theory Scientists.

We need the language of the "Spiritual Scientists" who know and understand that there are higher and more intelligent forces at work in the Universe than that of man himself. This higher intelligence will help and guide us if we allow it.

The Age of Aquarius will be with us for the next 2000 years. It is the Age of Science.

I will attempt to update some of the teachings given by Gurdjieff in his methodology called "The Work." Remember this is only my abstraction of how to update his work using the Laws of Quantum Physics. There will come many after me, maybe you, who will do a better more comprehensible job.

Let us look at one of Gurdjieff's most powerful statements about "The Work" and talk about it using the Language of Quantum Physics.

"A man, and a woman must live in the Work."

Everything that ever was, is and will be exists in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no time, no past, present nor future. There is only the NOW. Therefore, Gurdjieff, the Work, and all higher wisdom teachings, always existed in the Quantum Ocean, and they exist now.

There is a Divine Plan of Timing within the Quantum Ocean, which we at our level of Consciousness cannot fully understand. As part of this Divine Plan, Gurdjieff 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean at the exact time he was needed. He transmitted the energies and wisdom of the Quantum Ocean onto our physical reality.

When he says that man/woman must live in “The Work”, he means that they must make the connection with “The Work” in the Quantum Ocean and bring it into their daily life.

"The Work" is a methodology given to us by Gurdjieff to show us how to evolve and grow in consciousness. Now that Gurdjieff has given us the 'The Work', we can use his pioneering footsteps to reach into the Quantum Ocean and bring "The Work" into our lives.

One by one we “blink out” of the Quantum Ocean. One by one we “blink back into” the Quantum Ocean. One by one we evolve.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom Occult Philosophy

Conversations with I.F.

Occult Philosophy

My teacher I.F. offered me a potpourri of occult subjects and sciences to study. He never chose one for me or said one is better than the other.

He believed that the Creator God, the Grand Architect of the Universe only required one thing from us. That is to raise our level of consciousness until we become one with him. In short, to come back to God. Not the dogmatic Gods of formal religions, but the one who put all energy into a ball. And then caused a big Bang to create the physical Universe. The Creator God.

Occult Philosopy

And this God also gave man a potpourri of occult (hidden) Sciences to use to raise consciousness. Then he left us alone to work out our own salvation.

The Laws of Quantum Physics clears up for us the great mystery of who we are, where we come from and where we are going. These Laws tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of intelligent thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. This is the Mind of the Creator God. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is no time there, no past, present nor future. Only the NOW. All the occult sciences and philosophies exist there.

Occult Philosophy

That is where you and I came from and where we will be going. We 'blink out' (incarnate) and 'blink in' (die) . Until we finally reach a level of consciousness so we "Do not have to come out of our Father's house any more."

I.F. presented me a dish with a potpourri of subjects to choose from as well as different methodology's to raise my level of consciousness, I chose Esoteric Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, I-Ching, Occult Philosophy and the Runes.

I.F. was a Tibetan Abbot in a past incarnation. He favored Buddhism, Tarot, Qaballa, and the Egyptian Mysteries as well as Occult philosophy.

Occult Philosophy

You are free to choose your own paths to higher consciousness.

Exactly what is 'Occult Philosophy?" It is really a science. It is not dogmatic nor faith. It is the search and aspiration for wisdom and knowledge. Science rests upon the accumulation and verification of facts. This process induces wisdom and creates knowledge.

Occultism is man's clutch at a superior Universe containing both sensual and super organic beings.

Occult Philosophy

Symbolism is the foundation underlying any occult mastery of the Laws of Being. All us under Law and no purely abstract knowledge of Nature, God, or man can exist.

Nature is our Mother and God is our father. Man is a Cosmic blueprint- approaching divinity and understanding.

Any faculty of man can be developed to it's Nth degree. This process of expansion of Consciousness is known as 'Initiation' in occultism, it is neither miraculous nor mysterious. It is merely a process available to us.

The term Exotericism means the building of a good map of any place which is true to the territory.

The term Esotericism is actually taking the journey into the unknown territory and verifying the map by personal experience.

Occult Philosophy

The problem that we are experiencing today is a mass confusion in the field of Occult Philosophy. It has resulted in the lowering of its ethical standards, by use of exaggeration and deliberate mis-representations. There is a decreasing regard for ideals and accuracy in Occult Philosophy statements and writings. This is a very dangerous condition.

Now occult principles are specialized for the achievement of money and honors; there is a detachment from obligations, health without cessation and self indulgence for selfish purposes. The hazy nebulous, use of words with no referent and tremendous emotional attachment is very dangerous.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us how dangerous wrong use of words can be.

There are 2 ancient and legitimate purposes for occult study.

One, that the seeker may understand themselves better in body, mind and consciousness. Also, that the seeker may understand the world better in it's nature, constitution and Evolution

Occult Philosophy Occult Philosophy Occult Philosophy Occult Philosophy

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom Menatonia and Sin

Updating Ancient Wisdom

Conversations with I.F.

Menatonia and Sin

My seventeen years of study with I.F. was the most profound and life changing years of my life. The changes that the energies and the words imparted to me from that man of much higher consciousness, were physical, psychological and spiritual. The words he spoke changed my thinking and my habits.

He told me that the great Esoteric Occult teachings were mostly hidden in parables. This was for several reasons. First, to keep them hidden from the masses who would use them for destructive purposes. Secondly, so that the seeker would have to raise his level of thinking to understand them.

One of the biggest curses perpetuated on mankind was the deliberate changing of the original meanings contained in the original Esoteric works.So many millions of people were told, and still believe that the word 'Menatonia' in the Bible means 'Repentance.' That they must repent to get to Heaven, or to a higher state of consciousness. The true meaning for that particular Greek word is 'Change of Mind.' So it should have been translated to "unless you change your mind or way of thinking you cannot gain the Kingdom of Heaven."

This is exactly what the Laws of Quantum Physics are telling us. Unless you change How and What you think the infinite ocean, called the Quantum Ocean or Mind of God will continually keep you in the reality of your false thoughts.

The Quantum Ocean responds to your thoughts. When you start to change your thoughts from the thoughts of mass man to the thoughts of individual man, you raise your level of consciousness and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Remember the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Within the Quantum Ocean, the mind of God and within you.

It was just simple thoughts like these, that changed my life. And it was only through my meeting and willingness to be taught by this higher being that I heard different thoughts such as this. It is said when the pupil is 'ready' the teacher appears.

In the 1970's, and still today, this was and is not an accepted thought. In the minds of the masses. In some cases and parts of the country, it would still be dangerous to say it out loud.

Another correction that he passed on to me was that the word 'sin' used so freely to keep people in control and in fear in reality meant, 'to miss the mark.' The 'mark' is something like a target that you are aiming at.

If the target, we humans are to aim at, is the raising of our level of consciousness, then every time we missed the mark with our thoughts, feelings and action, we 'sinned.'

We did not sin against some anthropomorphic God sitting on a cloud in judgment of us. But we sinned against ourselves and our progress towards god-hood and Light. We goofed.

These words of I.F. not only changed the way I started to think, but they also made powerful psychological and physiological changes in me.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell me that I have created my own reality out of the Quantum Ocean by my thoughts, feeling and emotions, in this and past lives. They created my physical body. If every part of the energy field of my physical body was created by erroneous thoughts, then thinking new thoughts will change the structure and energy of my physical body.

My higher Spiritual faculties which transcend my five senses were blocked by the erroneous thoughts, beliefs, and energies held within my five senses.They created ring-pass-knot circuts. These are circuits that blocked me from understanding the Wisdom teachings of the Ages. The words and energies imparted to me by I.F., started to unblock these false energies.

Now over 30 years later, his words and energies are still within me working to release me from the bondage and mind of mass man. I am starting to come out from amongst them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Monday, April 28, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom Gurdfieff On Self-Remembering

On Self Remembering

When Gurdjieff speaks of Self-Remembering, how can we explain this in terms of the Laws of Quantum Physics?

The Laws of Quantum Physics tells us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy that we call the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God.

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists there. There is no time, no past present nor future. There is only the NOW.

There is nothing that exists outside the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. All Universes are there, all religions are there, all great teachers are there also all of Gurdjieff''s ideas and teachings are there. The Circle of Conscious Humanity is there. Gurdjieff is there also. Even if he 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean and took on a new incarnation, he is still there with his work.

This is part of the mystery and beauty of the Quantum Ocean and the Laws of Quantum Physics; all possible Gurdjieff's are there.

And all possible 'you's' and 'I's' are there. But what is important for us to understand is that we need to work on the "I" that has taken on a physical life. The "I" that has 'blinked out' from the Quantum Ocean that contains all our possible "I's."

This will help to understand what 'Gurdjieff meant by 'Self-Remembering' and 'Inner Separation.' Remember that we are individual "I's."

We must constantly remind ourselves with 'Self-Remembering' that this physical, emotional and mental world we see, feel and think we know all around us is a Matrix (Structure) of all the thoughts and feelings of the collective Unconsciousness of Humanity.

Gurdjieff says it is a trap. When someone says they are trapped, they are implying that they are being kept or stopped from going somewhere else. If you and I are trapped in this Collective Unconscious man-made matrix, where is it we should be going to if we could get out?

We should be going to higher levels of Consciousness, to higher Realities, to higher Worlds. Gurdjieff shows us with his Ray of Creation that the planet Earth is very far down on the Scale of Creation. Conscious man should strive to move upwards.

This is what we should strive to , Self-Remembering at all times. Thoughts, feelings and events are not of our doing. They are just a place where we are. The place where we live. We are not this place and we should not identify with it.

We should learn to observe it, to look at it as if it were a stage, a play and everyone is an actor, including us. We are the actor, not the play.

When we use our powers of 'Self-Remembering' what else does Gurdjieff tell us we should do?

We as individual souls within the Mind of God need to build a second Reality within ourselves. We need to build an inner separation from the world of the Collective Unconscious all around us and the world belonging to the Conscious Circle of Humanity.

The Conscious Circle fo Humanity are those humans who have “Come ye out from amongst them!" Those who have become completely free of the pulls of the Collective Unconsciousness. Instead of moving to higher dimensions and higher worlds, they have made the decision to stay here on Planet Earth and help us to evolve and grow.

Why do they do this? Because others have done it for them.

According to Gurdjieff''s "Work" we are to 'Self-Remember' that we are not the thoughts, feelings or actions all around us. We are 'observers' of this physical Matrix with a higher Goal.

We 'Self Remember' and then create an 'inner-separation' within ourself for the "Work," teachings and for the guidance that the Conscious Circle of Humanity sends to us. We must have a space within ourselves to receive and store and work on this guidance.

This is the same inner transformation that all the Ancient Wisdom Teachings talk about. Be in them, not of them.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:

Visit my Blogs:

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom Conversations With I.F.

Conversations With I.F.

I.F. was an elder brother of the Light who lived in Seagate, Brooklyn. I studied with him for 17 years. He was one of the last true teachers of the Ancient Wisdom that I know of. His is gone from the physical world but still exists in the Quantum Ocean and I still have communications with him.

He taught before the Laws of Quantum Physics gave us an updated language with which to understand the Ancient teachings. But when I go back and review my notes or re-read his books, I can see that he knew about the Laws of Quantum Physics.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists and infinite ocean of intelligent, thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. There is no time there, only the NOW. It responds to our thoughts.

I.F. taught the tenants of Ancient Wisdom through the Tarot, the Qaballa, the I-Ching, Astrology, Numerology, color, sound and meditation. He was unique in that all his teaching were verbal and one on one with the student.

He would give me verbal seed thoughts, that I would copy onto my 3X5 cards. These were powerful ideas that would enter my subconscious, do their work, till they finally re-surfaced into my consciousness, months or years later. First I only understood them, Then I lived them. I would like to share some of his seed thoughts, that I copied during my conversations with him.

"Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and stay in the middle of it." He understood that thoughts are things and that you attract what you wish for.

"Don't get too tired, don't think that you must have money and push. Fight for your free time instead." He knew that your free time to think, meditate and study the higher laws was much, much more valuable than a 50 hour, rush, rush, rush high paying job.

A high paying job may temporarily take care of your physical needs, but free time to study, meditate and think will take care of all your needs, now and in future lives to come.

"All day long, Always think 'I am being guided.'" Everything that ever was, is or will be exists now in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. All the spiritually evolved teachers are there and they are constantly looking for students to guide.

"Watch your mouth." Control of speech is very important." Words are spoken thoughts, and thoughts are things we attract out of the Quantum Ocean.

"Take care of your every day life, it is a jewel." What you do today affects your tomorrow and all the rest of your tomorrows.

Rest all you can. To raise your level of consciousness, you need to build the resonant frequency circuits within yourself. To do this, you need Prana, Life-Force. Resting stores them up.

"Refuse to tune in to the masses." The masses or the Race Psyche as I.F. called them, are not interested in higher teachings or spirituality. Look at the media and see where they are placing their attention. Don't resonate with them. A great teacher once said, "Come ye out from amongst them and let the dead bury the dead."

"Patience is a form of training." Where are we rushing to? We have eternity, handed to us in small one at a time incarnations, to work things out.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sri Aurobindo on The Age of Aquarius

Updating Ancient Wisdom Teachings
"Age of Aquarius"

We are very fortunate to be living in a time called the "Age of Aquarius." We have been given a set of Laws, "The Laws of Quantum Physics," that allow us to understand and explain how the Universe as well as the Mind of God works.

The great teachers, philosophers, and Gurus of the past lived under two great difficulties. First, the wisdom they had to share with humanity was frowned upon by the Religious, Political and Governing bodies of their countries.

Pioneers who bring light are always in danger from the "authorities" who want to keep things status quo, as well as keep them under "control."

Unfortunately for them, the only constant in the Universe is CHANGE. And although they may retard and even punish light bearers, their reign of "controlled terror" will come to an end of it's cycle.

The second problem Sri Aurobindo faced was the language. He did not have the beautiful, easily understood scientific language of Quantum Physics. He had to use metaphors, parables, and flowery language to get people's attention as well as to ward off the authorities.

When we read his writings we can see the Laws of Quantum Physics hidden in his words. I will put "his" words in quotes.

"A new world is being born. At present we are right in the midst of a transitional period in which the two are mingled. The old world persists. It is all powerful, continuing to dominate the ordinary consciousness. The new one slips in quietly, very shyly, unobserved to the extent that exteriorly it changes little for the moment. And yet it works, it grows, till one day it will be sufficiently strong to impose itself visibly."

Sri Aurobindo (1872 - 1950) knew about the changing of the Ages. From the Age of Pisces (the last 2000 years) to the Age of Aquarius (the next 2000 years).

He also knew that all of the structures of the Piscean Age, Religion, Military, large corporations controlling by fear was still powerful enough to keep charging ahead; even though it is dying. It's momentum will do this. If you shoot a dangerous, charging buffalo, and kill it with one shot, his momentum will keep him charging another 100 feet or so. Dying but still dangerous, is the Age of Pisces.

On the other hand, the Divine Blueprints for the new structures to be used for the Age of Aquarius are contained within the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. When they receive enough attention, they will reach critical mass and "blink out" of the Quantum Ocean into physical reality.

"The enormous spiritual carapace under which we have entombed the spirit is our biggest problem"

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God has a divine time table that no physical power can stop or alter. The Universe "blinked out" of the Quantum Ocean with it's Galaxies, Solar systems and Planets, amd will bkink in again.

Our Solar System has it's own destiny and purpose and it spirals around our Galactic Sun in time to a Cosmic Clock. We just left the Age of Pisces and now we are going into the Age of Aquarius.

All the energy and structures and forces and forms that man needs to help him with his evolutionary journey are in the Quantum Ocean. They are the Divine Blueprints that we are to use for guidance. Unfortunately, for the past 2000 years, man has built an energy infrastructure between the Divine Blueprints and the Reality of our physical Universe.

They will distort the energies of the Age of Aquarius as well as fill the minds of men with continuous mis-information as to the spiritual Reality of the Universe.

"The way back is a spiral. A new curve to be taken in the Eternal Becoming."

No matter what we do or don't do, our Solar System will continue on it spiraling journey around the Galaxy. Our Solar System will fulfill it's destiny, with or without that film of organic life on the Planet Earth called "man."

It is up to us to find our way back.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Quantum Physics and TAO Updated Ancient Wisdom

The Tao

The only constant in the whole Universe is 'change.' We as a Solar System, have rotated through the Milky Way Galaxy to a new place in space.

Our Solar System rotates around our Galactic Sun, the same way as our Earth rotates around our Sun. We have called this new place in Space around our Glalactic Sun "The Age of Aquarius." We will be moving through this space for 2000 years.

There will be many changes. For the past 2000 years formal religions were to the front and Science took a back seat. The people will still have a strong need for religion, but it will be more individualized. The huge formal religions, in the next 100-200 years will disappear.

Each man and woman on the planet will be given the chance to discover God in their own way. They will not have to BELIEVE any one any more. They will 'KNOW' who and what God is.

The masters who have gone before, understood a great deal more about the workings of God and each of them abstracted out of the 'ALL' the best way to teach their followers.

The Age of Aquarius has revealed to us the gift of the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there is an infinite Ocean of intelligent, thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean. This Quantum Ocean is the Mind of God made manifest. There is no past, present, nor future in the Quantum Ocean, only the NOW. There is no space in the Quantum Ocean, only the HERE.

So in reality there is only the HERE-NOW.

The Quantum Ocean responds to man's thoughts and emotions. The great thinkers and mystics of the past used the power of their minds and emotions to penetrate deeper into the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, than the average man was able to do.

Higher levels of consciousness are synonymous with this deeper and more powerful thought. These higher Consciousness thinkers created our religions. And this was good for the 'Age of Pisces.' At this time man was not sufficiently advanced in consciousness to understand the workings of the 'Mind of God.' He needed someone who could somewhat penetrate the Mind of God, and bring forth a teaching. The average man needed something and someone to "BELIEVE IN.'

Not any more. As we spin through the section in space called ' The Age of Aquarius' each of us will be given the tools to penetrate the Mind of God and create our own individualized religion.

The Great ones, Jesus, Moses, Mohammad, Buddha, Odin, Confuscious, and Lao Tze will still be remembered and thought of, but as pioneers not Gods.

The Laws of Quantum Physics will show us that they understood these laws, but expressed them differently to the different races of people in their environment.

Let us look at the words of Lao Tsze. He was born in the year 604 B.C. in China. He was called 'The Old Philosopher.'

The teachings of Lao Tze, though ancient, are still quite new and modern. In that they are still just as true today as they were then.

His complete work 'Tao - Teh Kng' consists of only 5,000 Chinese characters.

"Tao" is the absolute, the unmanifested one (Mind of God).

"Teh" is the manifestation of Tao in the objective world (Quantum Ocean.)

Fundamentally, there are four distinct senses in which it can be understood. We can relate these to the modern day Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

1. Tao is the Supreme God, the Absolute and Unmanifested One. (Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.)

2. Tao is the All - Creative Logos, The Name, The Word, The Father-Mother.
(Quantum Ocean is an infinite Ocean of thinking energy that creates all.)

3. Tao is the Way of Heaven, The Law, The Dharma, The Divine Providence, The Inexhaustible Store. (Quantum Ocean, Mind of God is infinite and shows the way back to God.)

4. Tao is the Root and Final Possession, The Ultimate Goal of All, The Abode of Peace and Security, The End and Home of all Beings.

We 'Blink in' and 'Blink out' of the physical plane with each new incarnation. With each new incarnation we are to raise our level of consciousness and become more God-like.

When we reach this stage in our development there will be no more need to 'Blink out.'

We will be home to stay in the Mind of God, The Quantum Ocean. Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Updating Ancient Wisdom I.F. Speaks on Basic Spiritual Facts

I.F. Speaks
Basic Spiritual Facts

My spiritual teacher I.F. of 17 years, had a very unique way of sharing his wisdom with me.

His teachings were mainly oral. We would sit facing each other early in the morning at a small card table, munching on bagels and cheese. We would sip coffee and he would talk. I would listen and take notes.

This was nothing like the Chelas sitting cross legged around a Guru, as they do in the East.

This was a Western master teaching a western student. His patience with me and the world in general was infinite.

He told me that many of the things he spoke about, he didn't expect me to immediately understand. They were 'Seed Thoughts' as he called them, that would go into my subconscious and bear fruit for later in life.

It is now over 30 years and as I look back, I smile. Yes, many of the 'Seed Thoughts' have born fruit and changed my life and my consciousness.

I will share some of them with you now. Allow them to grow and bear fruit for you. I will put his exact words in quotes followed by my commentaries.

"We are not properly conscious nor are other people properly conscious."

We all spend too much time in our past, thinking and re-thinking events, both good and bad. This is not being conscious, this belongs to the realm of sub-consciousness, memorie.

To be conscious, we need to be in the HERE-NOW of the moment, not in the past nor the future.

"Increase of consciousness of oneself, leads to more room for yourself in the inner world."

There are many levels of consciousnes and many worlds to be explored in the 'inner worlds'. By becoming more conscious you open these worlds for yourself.

"Be careful, as you build the structures for your inner rooms; someone will be trying to pull the ladder out from under you. That someone is your personality."

Most of the allegories about the fight between light and darkness takes on many forms. Within the individual the fight is between one's higher self and one's personality.

Our personality is where all the (lies and falsehoods we have picked up on our trip lie.) They want dominion over our life and do not want you to become more conscious. Because they know consciouness is their death knoll.

The fight is WITHIN us not WITHOUT.

"The slow difficult steps to consciousness leads to freedom."

He used to say " Yard by yard, lifes's too hard, inch by inch life's a cinch."

"Understand, that one of the biggest problems we face is when we project our inner negative attitiudes on others and blame them."

We cannot accuse another of bad temper, meaness, hate, suspicion, unjustness, anger, or bitterness. We feel and sense these negative attitudes in others because they also live inside us.

"Stop looking for the splinter in your brother's eyes when you have a log in yours!"

"The uproar of your daily life will drown out your spiritual life."

You must find a way to set some time appart for your spiritual studies. Every day life comes rushing in, in a million differnent directions and steals your time and energy.

"Your inner man/woman must be renewed and fed day by day or it will be drowned by the uproar of life."

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has studied astrology, metaphysics, runes and quantum physics for over 25 years. He is truly a knowledgeable gray beard. His writings are refreshing. He has combined the ancient wisdom teachings with the 21st century laws of quantum physics.

For more of his writings please visit his websites:

Or just go to goggle and type in his pen name Ragnar Storyteller for his listings.

He is a ghost writer and will write articles for you. He can be contacted at

You can also visit his informative blogs on runes, quantum physics, magic, spirituality, alternate healing methods.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Vitvan Our Colloidal System and Our Health

Vitvan Our Colloidal System

To help heal ourselves we must remain conscious of all energy - waves and frequencies which enter our energy configuration.

Especially other individuals, crowds, places and events. They can easily affect us in a negative way.

A lot of blockages are cleared up when we think of the Dynamic Structure of the world and of ourselves as conscious individualized energy - systems within this structure.

What we used to call 'things', 'objects', 'persons', etc. are now understood to be dynamic events in the world structure. By understandin this we can now start to protect ourselves from malevolent and destructive energy fields.

Only energy can affect energy; only force can affect force; a given energy system can only be affected by energy frequencies.

Our body, our 'Physiological Organism' , is not only a state of Consciousness, but also a configuration of units of energy, within an electro-magnetic field. Within any energy system or electro-magnetic field, it's functions, activities, behavior, etc. involves an interplay between positive and negative aspects. These affect our colloidal system. which exists in the world of smallness, the Twilight Zone of matter; the world of neglected dimensions; spaces between atoms that we call life. They are minute energy systems. These collodial structures are dynamic, electrical, energy -configurations..

The total area of colloidal surfaces in an average man-size physiological organism, is astronomical. The surface area of this colloidal structure becomes an important factor in diagnosis and treatment.

Thinking and emotions generate electrical force. Thoughts and feelings are dynamic electrical energies which affect the health and well being of the organism as a whole.

There is in reality no physical nor meta-physical worlds. These are only abstractions. We must realize that there is only a free and unrestricted ONENESS or WHOLENESS.

Electrical currents generated by feeling-thinking play over the colloidal structure of a physiological organism, altering and changing the positive-negative balance.

Psychological semantic reactions that we label Love, Courage, Fortitude, etc. (Positive), Fear, Worry, Hate, Jealousy, Envy etc. (Negative); affect our colloidal structures, the mini-world within us. We need colloidal equilibrium within us to maintain health.

There are four main factors which disturb our Colloidal Equilibrium (our inner inner world).

Physical - X-Rays, Radium, Cathode Rays.

Mechanical - friction, punctures
Chemical - tar, paraffin, arsenic
Biological - microbes, parasites

In man there is a fifth factor, semantic reactions; reactions to thoughts, words, and feelings.

We are starting to understand more and more the energy - forces within our individualized energy structures must be considered in all new healing techniques. Any organism maladjustment becomes labeled : heart trouble, arthritis. etc. by the doctors. Once we label our inner colloidal imbalances we give them life and power over us. We OWN them.

Once you learn to protect yourself by fully understanding what you are (an individualized energy system) and where you are (in a dynamic energy system world) even destructive forces cannot harm you.

For more information about Vitvan and his writings you can contact the School of the Natural Order Society.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at: